Secure your site with an SSL Certificate
Get a RapidSSL Certificate Security at a Price Too Good to Pass Up
Get entry-level SSL/TLS security from an industry staple with a cheap RapidSSL Certificate. This is one of the most popular Domain Validated (DV) certificates in the world and it can be yours for 87% OFF the vendor price–you won't find a better deal than that. This is a perfect security solution for small and medium sized businesses, blogs, personal websites and anyone else looking for pure encryption on their website fast. This RapidSSL certificate can be issued within minutes of purchase and features industry-standard 128/256-bit encryption strength. Best of all, RapidSSL works with 99% of browsers and will activate the green HTTPS and padlock in your address bar, giving your website's visitors the minimum signal of security.
RapidSSL Wildcard is the most cost-effective way to secure multiple sub-domains The RapidSSL Wildcard can secure your Main Domain and an unlimited number of accompanying Sub-Domains all for one very, very low price. This domain validated SSL/TLS certificate can be issued within just minutes of purchase and it protects your base domain and unlimited Sub-Domains.
Because of its amazing affordability, a RapidSSL Wildcard is often a popular choice even if you do not have a need for securing sub-domains today. It's chosen as a way to easily future-proof your website for potential growth you may need in the near future. Buy a wildcard now, save a ton of money and time in the future.
This low price RapidSSL Wildcard certificate features up to 256-bit basic encryption strength, a 2048-bit signature key and comes with a RapidSSL Site Seal and is backed by a $10,000 warranty.
- With just a single RapidSSL Wildcard Certificate issued to you get a cheap Wildcard RapidSSL security solution to protect